The Demolition of Ableism


Linda Williams, Ph.D.

To the Government Agency whose top down directives erase, speak over, and maintain ableism in our society: we are calling you out. This is the demolition of Ableism.

To the Charity whose top down directives erase, speak over, and maintain ableism in our society: we are calling you out. This is the demolition of Ableism.

To the Medical “Expert" whose top down directives erase, speak over, and maintain ableism in our society: we are calling you out. This is the demolition of Ableism.

To the Executive Teams whose top down directives erase, speak over, and maintain ableism in our society: we are calling you out. This is the demolition of Ableism.

To the Media, Print, Film, and Television Industry whose top down directives erase, speak over, and maintain ableism in our society: we are calling you out. This is the demolition of Ableism.


To the Consumer Goods Industry whose top down directives erase, speak over, and maintain ableism in our society: we are calling you out. This is the demolition of Ableism.

To the Education Systems whose top down directives erase, speak over, and maintain ableism in our society: we are calling you out. This is the demolition of Ableism.

To the Demagogues, Charlatans and Profiteers of disability whose top down directives erase, speak over, and maintain ableism in our society: we are calling you out. This is the demolition of Ableism.

Real social change begins in ways that are not always stylistically graceful. It is unruly, messy, and very real. But this is how we start.